I'm learning Korean. To help myself practice, and to study, I'm creating these pages. Below is a series of pages which describe the vocabulary and grammatical structures I have learned so far.
Vocab from Easy Korean for ForeignersThis is vocabulary I studied in Easy Korean for Foreigners, a book series I bought in Seoul. I think this series is really good for beginners.
Vocab from Introductory Course in KoreanVocab from Fred Lukoff's books. These are also really good, because they have excellent explanations of the grammar, written in English. Studying these two book series together is, I find, very effective.
Practical VocabularyNot from a book I'm studying, this vocabulary consists of words I learned by needing to use (or translate) them.
Grammatical Structures |
For the technically minded, here's the perl script I use to create the vocabluary pages. The source input is a text file containing the Korean and Enlish, encoded in UTF-8. At some point, I may put up a definition of the input files; but for now, a sample is linked below. If it looks funky when you click on it, set your browser to UTF-8 encoding from the View menu...
The script was a quick hack and can be cleaned up by adding a subroutine to print the vocab table HTML. When I have use to generalize the table code, I'll get to that...